我发现到..."爱"是一个很难去解释的一个东西.我现在觉得很困扰, 我不知道我是否做了一个对的决定.
我也不知道我爱她有多少, 我只知道, 我现在有点后悔把那些话讲出来. 我伤害了她...也对不起她.
朋友们说我不爱她, 我在想是吗? 我真的不爱她吗? 我真的做出了一个很错的决定嘛? 我是不是有点太残忍了?
在这些年以来...我是在静悄悄的爱人...伤害了我自己...为了我心爱的人任何的事我都可以为她做. 回想起来, 我是个大笨蛋.我在爱情上一向来很乱...所以总是伤害了我自己. 我所爱的人, 都不爱我...我也只好认了。。。因为这样让我觉得心很痛。 这几年来。。。我只体会到痛苦和被人伤害的感觉。
因此,我对我自己说, 我要放弃爱情, 不再去爱别人, 不要让爱情冲昏了头。但是, 我还是做不到。
我还是爱上了另一个人...我爱她...甚至也拿起勇气,在某个晚上跟他表白...我心急着等她的回复...各天晚上, 她终于回复了我,但是, 答案不是我想知道或想听的 -- 他拒绝了我。 但是,她希望我们还是能够做好朋友。 我接受了这个事实。。。我也很高兴她还能把我当成好朋友来看待。 其实,我也有做好心里准备会被她拒绝,虽然知道但是心还是觉得酸酸的。
也许就因为, 我被她拒绝了, 心里很闷, 就跑去喝酒,喝了还满醉的。。。真的很好笑。
我有个很要好的朋友知道我喝醉了,还驾车载人。。。把我给臭骂了一顿。其实, 我活该, 是因该被骂,我并没生气他,因为是我的错。
过不久后, 有个很好的女孩跟我表白。当时,有点惊讶。可是、我并没有表现出来。我没拒绝她也没有接纳她。过了四天的考虑以后,觉得因该给彼此一个机会就接受了她。当时也不知道为何我会这么做。突然觉得,我太冲动了。
不久后,我发现,我真的是太冲动了。 我就跟她说我们还是冷静下来。 了解对方多一点,还有我也想把自己的情绪稳定下来。我的这些话因该给她造成了很大的伤害。我觉得非常的抱歉。这一切是我的错。当初我不应该这么快的接受她。还有,她人现在在吉隆坡,我呢,人在古晋。我们是在谈远距离恋爱。 我看不到她,她也看不到我,是有点难。
想起来我是的确很残忍,说得难听点是连禽兽都不如。 因为到现在我才发现我还是很爱之前我暗恋的那个女孩。我发现,她在我的心里很重要,虽然她之前已经拒绝了我的表白。现在,我还无法去接受任何人的爱。
我是真的,真的,真的对她觉得很抱歉。我在这想向她道歉。 对不起。
Art Source
emointhecorner: errr....might do an english version on this topic. Hahaha. dun worry
なにあなたのたいへんですあにき?" eh apa lu cakap ni?
thats not 爱错, the critical part is:
lady you love (LOVE? or LIKE?):
you LIKE her, not LOVE, i didn't hear any concerns toward her from you SO FAR. Again i think is her look attracting your heart
lady who's adoring you
sorry? if you got time to say this how bout concentrate in final exams first, so not causing her to worry for you? And after final, take some times TO THINK instead of "SORRY"?
eh mcb who the heck is this ntn person? you wanna cause trouble for ppl har?
let him blog what he wants don't have to make the dude feel so bad.
hehehe it means smt lol ahahha no need!
just do what u can ok big koko crunch... wah hu is tht anonymous person so intense...
lol ><"
nth: Errr... I had another meaning to that 爱错 part. But anyways I am focusing on my studies now. Until after the finals... I will confront this problem fully. Provided she wants to talk about it.
anonymous: Hai there...glad you come to support and read my blog. nth is a friend of mine. I think the main point is that he wants me to concentrate on my studies first.
Thank you very much for your support. Actually I already felt very bad. This post is mainly says what I think and the truth and also serves as an apology post.
emointhecorner: Hi there...Thanks a lot for supporting my blog at the same time comforting me.
Right now is to concentrate on my final examination... sighs....
ya you should do like that you need to concentrate on your study first, this week is your study week keep reading your books don't think of the problem... uphold it to God let Him help you to solve it!!! You still young still got many many years for you to find your Ms. Right... Keep praying ya...
flower:Hey there! Thanks for your advice. Yes I should concentrate on my studies now. As I still have a week more before my first paper starts. Thanks a lot for reading my blog.
KOko crunch i'll be here to support always...
errr not rite reli now cause got exams...
BUT the thought still counts! if anythin happen let me noe! and i'll bash them up with my amazing digiridoo...
emointhecorner: Awww... I am so touch...but dunno why I kept have this feeling that I look like food now. LOL... chocolaty food LOL... haha
Yes it is the though that counts. I am so happy that I have JJ and you. hehehe... even you are far away I can fell ur sincerity.
jz a nice warm greeting to MR.ANONYMOUS we having here, since you don't want to reveal ur identity, it's fine but
Do love have the question bout right o wrong?
After look at your post, i think you should take some time thinking bout it...after the test(考完式 guess you mean by test)
Anyway, you do hav some nice friends around. don't know how many accident happened because of teenage drink n driv
Well, hope u have a good ending on this...off to other post
anonymous: are you a person who admired or love this guy? why so tense bout the nth? lol
tabi no hitori: Yes 考完式 means after my exam...is there an error there? hehe might have used the wrong words.
Yes I have some really good friends around me. Thank god I have these friends.
Yes, I hope all this will have a good ending... I hope so....
to my dear sweet NTN friend...
since your name is also short for 'nothing'...
your futile efforts to insult me are... NOTHING.
need me to spell it out for you buddy?
you pathetic loser arse-wipe it does not concern you since YOU have your opinions and i have mine.
want me to spell it out for you how your comment is worthless?
this forms the sentence...
need a dictionary?
go google it or cry to your mom or something!
good enuff for you?
tabi no hitori: im just being a good little sibling since this is my 'brother's' blog that he is so giving out a totally uncalled for comment. so i just tot tht 'ntn' deserves a good righteous kick of common and biased sense since im just supporting my 'brother'. and i tot this guy/gal was being a total
go ANOnymous!
your english damn pro my friend ><
am i one of the special ones too?
tabi no hitori:
wow what a sad lonely name in japanese if you type it out its lyke this
lol ahahahaha im taking japanese class im a total japan fanatic for anything japanese LOL.
i love anime to death!
to my sweet lil ANNOY-NYMOUS:
1.perhaps you just need a spec, or more than that for your eyes, for reading "NTH" as "NTN", thats kind of "IMPRESSIVE" for me to say.
2.I really hope those futile efforts to causing NOTHING to you, and it's not really an INSULTING from me YET.
3.honestly you're right, I can't really do much with your "SYMPATHETIC" ideas here, so WHATS WRONG that I'M HAVING MINE HERE
4.It's really up to your mind to think that my comment is worthless while OTHERS ARE NOT, and i DO THINK SOMEONE NEED A DICTIONARY MORE THAN I DID, since that guy started with a very INSULTING WORD in this comment section, need me to have the reference on where it is? I"M AFRAID SOMEBODY JUST COULDN'T SEE IT.
btw it's really a great idea to cry, why not you try to do so to your mum?
Personally I did not make any REQUIREMENT for you TO CARE, because it's WASTING MY TIME TO KNOW HOW YOU FEEL
Why google? I "Truly Believed" that your face show everything, ESP WORDS WITH NEGATIVE MANNERS, why not trying out a MIRROR for YOURSELF?
lastly, why don't you stand out and show yourself instead of hiding aside? I could spell my name to you if you INSISTED.
sorry edwin, for "flaming" here, but just couldn't help it when SOMEONE started with that kind of provoking.
Again Mr. ANNOY..., I'm a GUY if you really, truly want to know, however i beg you're not. PERHAPS CRYING AT THE CORNER SIDE OF YOUR ROOMS SUIT YOU MORE.
Hmmm... jadey gimme a japanese name. a good one k.XD
and oh Jadey... you are ONE IN A MILLION. =)
WOw... all I can see now is nuclear and rockets and guns and daggers flying all around...
Errr... you guys can go ahead you have my permission... as long as no one is hurt in this "oral war" =D
I am standin aside first don wan the bombs to hit me... dangerous la XD.
yo tauke, dun worry about stuff like these, u need to get ur mind right on 2 things now, one = exams, two = go wet with me on the 28th!!! OKAY!! woo hoo!
about the oral war, wow so nice to see, like watching cacated e-drama!
but this is what i really think: http://jumi.lut.fi/~japalvia/pics/retard.gif
me > U: Yo tauke! Wazzup? hahah ok thanks. Eh your last paper oso on the 28th ar? Cool man. hahah yes... lets get WET haha.
LOL... dunno they suddenly engaged in oral war. hahaha... not much to day bout that pic but was really funny.
anonymous 1:我非常的感谢你参观我的blog还有也留下了comment.
我在这里只是说出我的心里话, 不是说多余的话。 还有,在人的生命中有时候是会做出一些错的选择。我对她没有什么的恶意。我只是突然发现,我们走了太快。 因为我们刚认识不久, 不太了解彼此我只是希望我们多了解彼此。还有,因为, 我们根本都见不到面,一个在东,一个在西。我们哪有机会去了解对方?如果你说用电话,发电讯或是用msn来了解对方,我觉得这不够。 I believe in face to face communication to strengthen the bonds.
你说“这伤害是一个你不懂的痛”。很抱歉。你不是我。 你不知道我经过了什么,你就这么说我不懂这种伤害的痛苦。 你这句话有点太自私了。你不是我,你不了解我,不能就这么判我死信。
anonymous 2:hmmm...我的对不起是我真心对待她的道歉。如果我们做错了事,是因该道歉。 我觉得,这跟警察叔叔们无关吧。反正我们马来西亚的警察叔叔们也好不到哪里去。靠他们还得想一想呢。
我不成说我不爱她但是我发现, 我对她的感情及爱不是很深刻,也在同个时候发现我们太快了。他了解我多少?我了解她多少?我们才见过一次面,在msn讲话多多少少只有一个月,能够了解她多少?她能够了解我多少呢?我不否认是我给了她希望在同时也是给了她失望,但是请你站在我的立场看如果我在拖下去我不是很自私吗?带给她的伤害更大吗?也不是在欺骗她和我自己嘛?
anonymous 2: here
太快了?? 有多快。。? 已經到了談婚論嫁的時候了嗎。。? 還沒對吧﹗﹗
我有個朋友也是醬, 他们才只在jb见过一次面,過後也是在msn讲话,見面只有在雙方都沒有工作(當時男的是在sg), 或是在假期見面。 (過後男的回來古晉女的還是在jb) 現在他們還不是一樣在一起了。。
你自己也說了 ︰ 〞 我不曾说我不爱她。〞 mean i never say i don't love her, 代表你有喜歡過她。。
而你現在也沒有真正表明你是愛她或不愛。。 難道你想搞曖昧關係阿。。
你拖不拖下去也不能證明你不是自私的人, 而一開始你的做法就證明你是自私了。
這是我個人的意見啦。。 不滿意也不用生氣, 因為事以至此, 就順其自然咯。。
OMG you are so smart to noticed that!
i give you heaps of well deserved attention now, im SO SO very very sorry that i just could not see the fact that your name means
but you still ain't worth my breathe, too bad you can go cry to your mama now.
and you must have SO MUCH FREE TIME
to actually bothered to believe in anything...
way to go you really won my sympathy.
and dude, get bent you are so sensitive like a girl having either her pms or not one good lay.
well since you are a guy in this case,
your just some menopause old fart who really really needs to just break out the chocolate ice cream, cuddle up with your wanking blow up doll and watch re-runs of Oprah and hope that one day you could tell her that you were so abused on a blog alrite?
or how about you just get laid so you wont be so sensitive at the fact that you actually bothered to number out your points...
which is
really sad
need a kleenex?
sorry i don't give out to gender retarded confused males of a worthless existence.
i recommend a low fat ice cream choice by the way you know just giving the girl to GIRL advice.
oh wow, just to let you know as well i am a female too.
it's nice to know that your a guy, and definitely showing your spunk...
sadly, your just messing up my bro's blog and on common grounds...
you make a suck-cock brother for him to be giving him totally shit advice that just makes you look more like a dick head.
NICE WORK ! hope to hear your obviously witty advice that took you long enough to compose and actually point it out.
p.s. if i actually wanted to cry, it'll be on how your just such a sad poor old dude.
sniff ok here come the tears, woe is you my lovely 'friend'.
wanna cry with me too?
sorry but you can cry in your corner, i like mine fceker free (yes i am spelling it that way cause this stupid blogger won't let me type out the truth sigh, so i'll just lie a bit)
`loves you loads
and sorry big bro, i just can't let some people who think they actually mean something in what they say to be accurate and oh-so-true to just go un-corrected.
what wrong with the japanese name i already gave you?
i think koko crunch looks pretty good in japanese...
see - ここーくらんちゅ。
good rite?
hehehe no no im not shitting you and this is reli reli you new japanese name!
i expect you to use it in you msn yea!!
muahahaha, xoxoxo ^^
btw : oral war, sounds like some kind of really really wrong sounding war in my poor dirty lil mind eheheh
major swt rite there...
and i noe i am a one in a million...err
sorry for being so ugly thou >< sigh...
and i noe i am a one in a million...err
sorry for being so ugly thou >< sigh...
emointhecorner: it sounds like a de-stress conversation to me more than a war :D
me > u: better than starwar right sung?
anonymous: no thx, save the kleenex thing for somebody else.
why, you must have a very good sense by knowing that i'm sooo sensitive like a girl, however it doesn't affect much on my real gender.
if you truly think that I've messed up his blog, deep apologies from me, but honestly, why he wouldn't rather express his inner feelings to the wall? or perhaps a much better option, a mirror. sry edwin, not trying to be mean here.
The truth is, blog is a place for ppl to share their opinion as well, listening quietly and agree to whatever he's expressing doesn't sound much different from a wall.
well if advising him to be hardworking 1st is considered as shit advice as well, i have nothing much to say, NOTHING. Perhaps i could attempt to have ignorance and leaving him alone, struggling in this blog and telling others hw bad he felt, hw stress he was but none will be dare to give away true opinion, since it could have mess up his precious blog here, right? Dare to be true, this is the message from me, no matter what, he is 1 of my brother and I wouldn't care what ppl comment on me, as long as what I've done is for his own good.
and oh btw, if possible try to have easier words, this 1 can't seems to de-stress me at all, coz i don't get most of ur "deep" language and it's kind of wasteful, my ENGLISH is bad as i was said before lolx, sth which suit my standard will do. Somehow your words are quite useful for me, I've oredy use 1 of them with ur "brother", thx ^.^.
y not try to separate those exhibit words with some spacing? it doesn't seem to be fun at all by putting them in wrong order.
(psst, edwin, u're right, ur "sister" really fierce somehow, hard to judge huh?)
have a nice day~
edwin...dun give up...be faith...i just think that every things that u wan to do must thing first...dun do wrong...coz if a wrong may be will hurt many ppl...sometimes love someone really can not control...i hope u can read my blog about how to treat a gal...hehe...u are a nice guy..u still young so... hehe u know la... but one thing i feel u are wrong is u reject the gal...hehe...dun sad...anymore ...just be happy and rejoice...i will pray for u...i know ur feeling too....this is my opinion la...hehe....GBU
man this is like English and Chinese war here. Maybe posting this entry is one helluva big mistake.
anonymous:难道。。。你要我假装的演下去。。。安慰我自己,说我很爱她?在每个人生中会有我们做错的时候及伤害到人的时候, 我是人。。。不会十全十美。
我很尊重你的想法,同时我在这儿也是有我自己的想法。我是用我的blog来表达我的想法。我记得有人跟我说过。。。在爱情, 很难讲是谁对还是谁错也有可能没人对还是错。
Tiong yienG: Hey ah yieng thank you for your advise here. yeap will read it. Is that post in your blog suppose to be related to my post?
Know what...the biggest mistake i made was when I accepted her which gave her hope than i sorta killed it when I realised it was a Big big mistake.
Thank you very much, am very touch. Let us pray that she and I can still be friends. I truly am very sorry towards my immature and rash decision.
eminthecorner: That has got to be the suckiest name Jadey! I don't wanna be food!... can you please gimme a better name...other than food? you make me sound so edible. Later everyone is just gonna eat me up and u will have no more koko liao... see who accompany you and give you advise and make you laugh..
UNLESS.... u don luv this koko and would rather see him gone... *sniffs* now I know... nvm....
no ur tasty and since i oso cannot claim you as mine y not food?
Food is meant to be shared and it fills ppl up and stops the hunger and cravings ><
sound pretty good to me ><
ahahaha ok i got totally lots of food in my mind rite now...this is what you get when your away from home and can't afford anything sadness *sob sob*
i should be crying!!
ok ok...
how about
lol i wont put the meaning for it nowww!
lalalalala wuvs xoxoxo.
aiyah and why do i want you gone??
you have to chia me and you think you can escape so easily by being eaten?!?!
as if ><~
nth: cool way to de-stress but sounds like a real pain lerh, im so malas to do that sigh. another time maybe lol
how about
ahaha ><
emointheconer: you are mean! fine... I am being shared... fine... fine... dun wan let me know the meaning... fine fine.... fine *stabbed*... so sad....
AIyer u r so aneh wan what theee!!
yeesh i'm doin the best i can wahahaha..
if you much noe it means
'kawaii onii-chan'
which means cute big brother.
the other one is just some bs i made up lol.
chech u u u, hrumpg u better chia me defitnaley when i get back you hear me!
i want gubak mee,siow bee,kueh chap,kolo mee,kompiang,rojak,mee cuka,laksa and chicken rice!!
bwahahahahah lol of course not all in one go im not a pig...errr sometimes hehehehe.
but no no no western food for me, sick as hell oledi seeing all these cb angmoh arses who think im retarded...
mcb ><"
emo: o well, as long as better than nth :D, my stress lvl jz went down a bit since i've finished up preparation for 1 sub...i will MAKE SURE DAT EDWIN WILL CIA U EVERYTHING U ASKED FOR, since he had earned from our click on adv, right edwin? XD
edwin: i heard wat emo's saying here, foooood~ count me in~ the hao jian that nite cost hw much oredy ahh? taste gd however i'm quite stuffed that time... btw u don have to flame others so hard with mandaring gua, wan 2 release stress like i did? go 2 other forum n flame la XD
emointhecorner: Eh good good ... I like it a lot. XD
Hmmm.. wait until you come back la... see first. ... ><
nth: the hao jian cost 6.50... not bad la... miss hao jian so much le... eh after finals we go hao jian bonanza wan? Miss hao jian.... hao jian hao jian.... gagagaga
For me. I think if you really love someone then you can start a relationship. do not start the relationship if you dont like her. it hurts. and do start a relationship if you really want to spend your whole life with her.
sorry?just say sorry then u think that u can get away from u?you will be guilty forever~~stupid~if sorry can heals anything, then u can go to kill a person, and when police caught u,u just said sorry lo~sorry sorry~sorry ur head la~
erm... is this...dwin's blog... it sound like a war zone when i first come in here...
Finally survived to the end of the war(read all of the post)...just here because i being told by the best "fren" here for not caring of him by not stopping by at his blog~
dwin: it's sound like i m the one to blame for advising u to accept her in the first place...as i though u say u got like her in the first place. then jus found out tat at tat time(before accept her), u treat her like treating other...by then i realize i was wrong for giving u the idea to "try"...
In here i appologize to all those that look into this blog, which k dwinz like their own bro...sorry for giving him wrong idea~
but wats done is done, as wat a fren here say a "sorry" won't solve the thing... still beside sorry there is nothing i can do...well i guess none of us can do anything here accept giving idea, or cool dwinz down (erm...my english not very good so dun know better word to describe) or cheer him up...
and here i just hope:
dwinz: think u should concentrate on ur "book" for now like other say. "Tat" problem since u said giving answer to her after the test...then let it be in tat way...BUT...i hope u really get back to her n tell her properly...n not saying tat she not reply ur messag n u make decision to leave it like tat...
for me tat is like u two are jus running away from solving the realationship u both having here, is it not?
anonymous 2: part of it i agree on u tat problem of knowing each other is depend on how u act...cos erm... i m one of them having this "distance love" too...but arr... not everyone able to do so~
as mayb u don't know...this fella here(dwinz) having all kind of stress so instate of a far one...i guess he prefer close one...XD
and i know sorry can't solve everything but not even saying "sorry", aint it more inhuman? well wat else can we do, wats done is done
pmp: if the world all think like tis, i guess no one devorcing...lol(i mean if they think so deep into)...n i guess human will be extinct oso...lol
hmmm kind of too long le~ guess i jus stop here...
*hope the war out there have a peace for this moment as er...the owner of the blog enough stress...still saw his frens biting each other...isn't tat make him more stress? U all here is to cheer up him, not? well, some is to wake him(like the nth here..XD)...mind tat not ALL nice word is good to a person... sometime some scolding is needed, ain't it? if not...y our mom scold us muc? o well...a male n female~ who know they will scold out another love lai...lol (quickily go hide somewhere)
sorry if i offence someone...XP...n oso rotten english i hav here...T-T
peace...n...(psst.dwinz, sorry for writing so long as i don't feel like coming in always.)
oi mcb anonymous 2 what th hell u blardy marderfuck r u trying to freaking say???
we all noe well tht sorry cant do much, but at least he has the gall to do it rite!and it takes a real idiot and asswipe to call someone who has the guts to say sorry an idiot.
the only thing that would last forever is the fact that you have a stick up your ass.
i prefer the other anonymous at least she's more entertaining.
your just as useful and meaningful as the tissue, ppl use to wipe their arses.
go wank around somewhere else, useless bastard, you can then kiss my SORRY ass alrite?.
and then we'll see whose reli sorry!
so shut ur freaking mcb mouth.
dwinz: u may be facing a lot of pressure right now...either from exam or all these comments. but i hope u can sort things out and dont make any more mistake like this.
I really wonder...what feelings u had when u accepted her? What kind of feelings? Feeling of wanting to be needed? Feeling of wanting to love? Feeling of wanting to be loved?
What feelings u had when u wanted to let her go? Feeling of letting someone you love go? Feeling of letting someone you don't love go? Feeling of getting tired of someone and let her go?
What are the last words u actually wanted to tell her besides "I'm sorry" and "Let's remain friends"?
u should sit down and sort ur feelings out about what u truly want so that u won't ever hurt her feelings again. don't leave her waiting for ur answer forever. The utmost important of all, be brave to face ur true feelings. Tell her, although it may hurt her. if u think she is one for u, by all means go grab her and never let her go. if she's not, then dont give false hope. dont look for her when ur heart is still in the middle of nowhere. remember, dont let ur happiness slip away.
oh... someone giving a solution here...lol...oh well guess tat give u a way to solve the thing le~
since this got a solution...then i m out of this topic...good luck on ur "test" n "problem"
anonymous 3rd: Hi there! thanks for reading my blog. Thank you for your advice I have finally solved the problem.
And thank you all for your support. and comments be it a negative or positive comments. I really appreciate it a lot.
I have already sort my feelings out and solved the problem.
Cheers to all of you and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
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