Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Mr. Sarcasm

Short Talk:
One week of holiday for me next week.... hmmm... what should I do? Study tax? go Damai? Decisions....decisions....


As mentioned in the topic.... SARCASM! yeah.... I just realized sometimes I am such a sarcastic asshole, I am soooo sarcastic at times that I myself could believe it!

Why suddenly this topic? Well it happened today... I was having Management Decision Making (MDM) test. I happened to be a wee bit late, so by the time I was in class the lecturer was distributing the test paper. A few other dudes came in later than me.

So while waiting for the lecturer to distribute the question paper... I realized that the dudes later than me got their question paper. In my head " Where the F**k is my question paper?!" Oh well.... as they say... patience is a virtue... so I waited.... and waited...

Suddenly, my wonderful lecturer announces. " OK, Students...please write down your name and ID number on the question paper!".

*Looks at my table....hmm.... looks up again.... feeling pissed.....*....

Suddenly, without knowing I called out really loud and this is what I said....

Me: SIR! I don't have my question paper... where should I write my name and ID number?

* My Lec.... face looking pissed came to me pass my question paper to me and walk off silently*

The consequences.... all the other students were bewildered with my action. All of them must be thinking... that kid got some guts man... or.... that is one crazy dude who does not know the word "DIE"... LOL...

this kid is nuts!

Sir... Don't fail meeeee....!! Soweee!! Please don't fail meeee... LOL.

I was quite surprise with what I said too....

yeah.... that is all...


Angel Valerie said...

muahahaha... u know what, sweetie? i should really salute u for doing that. haha.

since my final is coming, maybe can try to be late and do that. hahaha.

Anonymous said...


Dwinz said...

LOL in all honesty.... I have no idea... where in the world did I get the guts to say all those words man... LOL

Angel: AHemz... you can try it is kinda high to do it.... =P

Anonymous said...

a word from me..

remember to give face to the person you still the lecturers who will be marking your scripts...tho he is obviously an as*hole, coz bias may occur, which may have negative side effects on

the more 'damning' his looks, the more you gotta be careful...hahaha